How To Delete Her Account?


How To Delete Her Account?

Are you ready to part ways with the Her dating app? Whether you’re taking a break from the dating scene, have privacy concerns, or found that special someone elsewhere, sometimes it’s necessary to cut ties with an online account. 

This complete guide will walk you through the entire process of permanently deleting your Her account.

What is Her and Why You May Want to Delete Your Account

Her is a popular dating app designed for lesbian, bisexual, queer, and non-binary folks. It provides a safe space for LGBTQ+ women and non-binary people to make meaningful connections, find relationships, and build community.

There are many potential reasons why someone may want to delete their Her account permanently:

  • Taking a break from dating: Maybe you need some time off to focus on yourself or other priorities.
  • Privacy concerns: You may feel uneasy about your personal information being on a dating platform.
  • Found a relationship: If you’ve found that special partner through Her or another avenue, you likely don’t need the app anymore.
  • Overuse or addiction: Some people delete dating apps if they’ve become too reliant or obsessive about checking them.
  • Changing life circumstances: Things like moving cities or a shift in sexual/gender identity can impact your dating app needs.

It’s important to understand that deleting your Her account is a permanent action. Once you complete the deletion process, all your personal data, conversations, matches, and profile information will be erased from Her’s systems.

How to Delete Your Her Account (Step-by-Step Guide)

If you’re certain you want to permanently delete your Her dating app account, follow these steps carefully:

  1. Open the Her app and go to Settings > Account Management
  2. Scroll down and select “Delete Account”
  3. Enter your password to confirm
  4. Follow any other prompts to verify the permanent account deletion

Warning: This action cannot be undone once your account is fully deleted! All your data will be permanently removed.

What Happens When You Delete Her

When you permanently delete your Her account, here’s what you can expect:

  • Your profile, personal information, messages, matches, and all other data will be completely removed from Her’s systems and servers.
  • You will not be able to reactivate or restore your deleted account. If you want to use Her again, you’ll need to start over and create an entirely new account from scratch.
  • Her states they will delete your account data per their stated privacy policies and data retention terms.

It’s worth spending some time reviewing what deleting means before taking this permanent step. Her makes it clear there is no way to undo an account deletion once completed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Deleting Her Accounts

Can I temporarily disable or deactivate my Her account instead?

No, Her does not offer an option to temporarily deactivate accounts. Deletion is a permanent removal of your account and all associated data.

What if I change my mind after deleting my Her account?

Unfortunately, there is no way to reactivate or restore a deleted Her account. If you want to use the app again after deletion, you’ll need to create an entirely new account.

Are there any other options besides full account deletion?

If you don’t want to permanently delete but need a break, you can update your profile to be less visible, go inactive for a period, or pause updating/refreshing your account.

How do I delete an old/inactive Her account I can’t access?

You’ll need to contact Her’s support team and go through an account recovery process to regain access and then delete it properly.

Does deleting my account also remove any payment information I had on file?

Yes, all data including payment details is permanently removed when you delete your Her account.

Alternatives to Deleting Her Account

If permanently deleting your Her account sounds too final, there are some alternative options to consider first:

Update Your Profile and Account Status

One way to take a break is to update your profile visibility and account status temporarily:

  • Update profile details: Remove and blank out information in your bio, photos, and other profile sections.
  • Set profile visibility to low: Change your settings so you don’t appear in stacks or matches for others.
  • Go inactive: Stop using the app and let your profile become inactive/stale over time.

Pause and Reflect on App Usage

Sometimes taking a break from dating apps, even temporarily, can provide useful perspective before deciding on full deletion:

  • Turn off notifications to avoid constant prompts to use the app.
  • Delete the app for a while rather than permanently removing your account data.
  • Reflect on how the app impacts you – are there positives to keeping your profile for now?

The benefit of these options is that you don’t permanently delete any connections or data on Her. However, it does require more active maintenance on your part versus full deletion.

Keeping Your Data Secure After Deletion

Even after you delete your Her account, there are some important data security steps to take:

  • Update login credentials: If you used the same password across other accounts, be sure to update those credentials to a new secure password. This prevents any potential unauthorized access.
  • Remove any app data: Delete the Her app completely from your mobile device after account deletion. This will remove any cached/stored data.
  • Check for third-party app connections: If you had connected any third-party apps or services to your Her account (like Instagram, Spotify, etc.), be sure to revoke those connections.
  • Monitor for any unusual activity: Keep an eye on your email, bank accounts, and other personal information in the unlikely event of any data breach or misuse of your previous Her account info.

Taking these extra precautions ensures your personal data is fully secured after permanently parting ways with Her.

Informing Matches Before Deletion

Depending on your situation, you may want to inform any existing matches before deleting your Her account:

  • Explain you are deleting: Let them know you are permanently removing your dating profile, in case they wonder why you’ll disappear.
  • Provide alternate contact details (if wanted): You can offer to connect a different way if you want to stay in touch with certain matches.
  • Don’t feel obligated: You have no requirement to notify connections about your choice to delete Her. This is fully optional.

The key is being respectful and communicative about ending potential relationships or connections already started on the app.

Finding New Dating Apps and Communities

If you plan to continue looking for dates or relationships after deleting Her, you’ll want to explore some other apps and communities:

  • Other LGBTQ+ dating apps: Apps like Zoe, Lex, OkCupid, Tinder and Bumble have inclusive options.
  • In-person LGBTQ+ social groups: See if your area has LGBTQ+ meetup groups, sporting leagues, hobby clubs or other in-person communities.
  • Online forums and subreddits: There are many online discussion groups to connect with people in the LGBTQ+ community virtually.

Do some research to find inclusive digital and local spaces that fit your interests and identities as you move on from Her.

Legal Obligations Around Account Deletion

It’s also important to understand Her’s legal obligations around permanently deleting user accounts and data:

  • GDPR and data privacy laws: Her must fully comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR around proper deletion practices.
  • Transparency in data policies: Her should clearly disclose their data deletion policies and timeframes.
  • Retention periods: Companies can maintain certain data for legal purposes for a limited retention window before full deletion is required.

If you have any concerns about Her fully destroying your personal data in accordance with their policies and legal obligations, you can inquire with their support team regarding specifics of their deletion procedures.

Let me know if you need any other sections added to expand this comprehensive guide on permanently deleting your Her account!


Permanently deleting your Her account is sometimes necessary, whether taking a dating break, addressing privacy concerns, or having found a partner elsewhere. This guide provided the exact steps to complete Her’s account deletion process safely. 

However, deletion is final – all your profile data, messages, and matches will be permanently removed per Her’s policies. If you may want to return to Her later, consider temporarily updating your visibility settings or going inactive instead of full deletion. 

Reflect carefully on which path is best for your situation. If proceeding with permanent deletion, follow the steps diligently to regain full privacy and control over your dating app presence.

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